Agroptima, S.L. 应用

Agroptima 6.5.15
Agroptima, S.L.
Agroptima helps you manage your farm with its mobile appandcomputer account. With Agroptima it is much easier to recordyourfarm activities whenever you are and get your costs undercontrol.Besides, you can create one-click reports to see the useandmargins and help you take better decisions. Why use Agroptima?•Save time and money: save up to 2 hours of being in thecomputerevery day thanks to our mobile app • Access to your dataanywhere •Know how much your farm tasks cost you • Solve all yourquestionswith our great support team • A simple way to make yourfarm moreefficient What can I do with the mobile app? • Record allyour farmactivities on-the-go • Work whenever you are. Even if youdo nothave internet connection, the mobile app works offline • Drawyourfields in the map • Easy access to your products, fertilizers, base • All your data sync right away What can I do withthecomputer account in the cloud? • Create group of fields percrops,owners etc and modify them in the map • Set the price ofyourlabours, phytosanitary products, etc so we can compute the costtoevery activity • See your costs, benefits and margin perfield,farm, crop etc • Introduce your machines, tractors, personnelorclients data • Create and print one-click farm records perfield,harvest, phytosanitary use, working hours, etc Other featuresyouare going to love: • Know your costs: take better decisionsthanksto Agroptima reports • The only mobile app that works offline•Best customer support team: we work hard to solve ouryourquestions within 24 hours • More than one farm? Manage them allforthe same price • Multidevice: Install Agroptima mobile appinmultiple devices and cover all your needs • Functional: Designedbyfarmers for farmers. Easy to use in conditions of nointernetconnection, tractor vibrations or low light. -- We love tohearfrom our customers! Send us your comments toinfo@agroptima.comFollow us on Twitter @agrotima and Facebookat